
natalya lukin midwife

Natalya Lukin

Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)
Licensed Midwife (LM)

I have attended hundreds of births in homes and birth centers in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. My philosophy is that birth is powerful, challenging, beautiful, transformative, and fundamentally a normal, healthy function of the human body. I believe that all woman and birthing persons have the right to give birth in safety, dignity, and power.

I grew up in and around San Francisco as part of a multilingual, immigrant family and completed a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies at UC Santa Cruz in 1991. Along the way, coursework in Women’s Studies sparked a passion for women’s health and when a dear friend invited me to her birth, I was so profoundly moved by the experience that I had to change paths and become a midwife.

My formal midwifery education began in 1993 and included didactic training and apprenticeship with homebirth midwives in the San Francisco Bay Area; at Maternidad La Luz, a freestanding birth center and midwifery school in El Paso, Texas; and with traditional midwives in Mexico. I earned my CPM credential from the North American Registry of Midwives in 1999 and my midwife license (LM) from the Medical Board of California in 2008.

In between, I gave birth to my son in a waterbirth tub at home under a midwife’s care, went on to practice baby-wearing and co-sleeping, use cloth diapers, and (after a rocky start) ended up breastfeeding for almost three years—all in the effort to give my child the best possible start in life. As the mother of a now adult son, I am well-versed in both the joys and the challenges of parenthood.

I am honored to serve all growing families as an affirming health care provider– regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, socioeconomic background, marital status/single-hood, weight, sexual orientation or gender expression. When not catching babies, I can be found hiking in nature, researching family trees, and tending my garden.

Get in touch for a free consultation